文字(中英):阎雯青,曹健鹏 图片:曹健鹏,赵录尔
瑞士中国学人材料科学与能源科技协会2019材料与能源系列-Senior 职场走向:从瑞士再出发-讲座交流活动于6月22日在青年分会的协办下于苏黎世联邦理工学院内顺利召开。来自瑞士各地材料与能源相关专业的三十余名学生学者参加了会议。会议邀请了三位从瑞士即将启程到新的国家,公司或研究机构的博士嘉宾来分享职业抉择的经验。本次论坛活动在梁舒宇与陈倩的主持下进行。
马欢博士目前在瑞士联邦材料试验和科研研究所(EMPA)从事长余辉荧光薄膜课题的博士后研究。将于今年7月以应用科学家身份入职Bruker(布鲁克)纳米表面仪器部中国区。马博士的报告题目是“求职心得,体会“。马博士首先结合自己的经历介绍了求职的流程——“职业规划,寻找机会,申请,面试,职位取舍”。其中重点向同学们强调了求职过程中的一些关键节点和有用渠道,比如有效利用 LinkedIn, Indeed, XING等网络招聘平台, 发布求职意向,线下利用ETH的求职资源,例如ETH Career Center等课程并在求职过程中有效经营善用朋友圈。在面试技巧上,马博士也向我们展示了如何有效地向面试官传递自己的优势。
阙再青博士,现就职瑞士Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI),8月即将以终身研究员身份任职Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)。主要研究(核电用)金属材料的腐蚀和断裂现象。阙再清博士的报告题目是“抉择于科研与工业界之间”。阙博士将任职于芬兰国家研究中心成为永久研究员,是介于科研与工业之间的一个定位。结合他自己的领域特点,他向我们述说了在欧洲工作的会遇到的一些困难,例如working permit,语言问题。 在进一步筛选过后,阙博士提到了如何缩小自己的求职范围,用很合理的精力获得更多有效的机会。最后他又结合ABB/Hilti/Nestle/Oerikon/Swatch的求职案例进行了分析。
- 工业界HR最看重的求职者素质
- 在HR面试环节如何准备
- 硕士就业的难易
- 如何和HR讨论职业规划和薪资相关的问题
- 如何利用networking发现工作机会
- 如何在下一段工作中维系跟之前老板的联系
On 22th Jun. 2019, the Chinese Association of Materials Science and Energy Technology in Switzerland (CAMSETS) held the symposium of a scientific career in materials science and energy technology in Switzerland, 2019 – (SENIOR CAREER PATH: DEPARTING FROM SWITZERLAND) at the ETH Zürich. More than 30 students and scholars from materials or energy-related disciplines across Switzerland attended the conference. The conference invited three speakers who have graduated from Switzerland and planned to work in companies or research institutes in other countries. The symposium was hosted by Dr. Shuyu Liang and Mrs. Qian Chen.
At first, Dr. Liang briefly introduced the Chinese Association of Materials Science and Energy Technology in Switzerland (CAMSETS), the organization concept, structure and activity planning. During the past six years, the association has organized reports, doctoral forums, and corporate exchanges with the supporting of the board and the embassy. It is aimed to establish a platform to promote exchanges and to update the development of cutting-edge information in the field of materials and energy. All students are welcomed to join our organization.
After that, three invited speakers gave a speech on the theme of “Industry or Academic: Selecting Details and Sharing”:
Dr. Ma Huan is currently doing post-doctoral research on a project relating to long-lasting fluorescent film at The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA). From this July, he will be employed as a scientist in the company Bruker Nano Surface Instrument Division in China. Dr. Ma’s report was about “Jobs Experience and Tricks”. He firstly explained the job-seeking process in combination with his own experience – “career planning, looking for opportunities, applications, interviews, job choices.” Among them, he suggested the students to highlight some key nodes and useful channels in the job search process, such as using the online recruitment platform LinkedIn, Indeed, XING, etc., updating job search intentions, using ETH’s job search resources offline, such as ETH career center and other courses and asking friends for advice. Regarding interviewing skills, Dr. Ma demonstrated us how to effectively show their advantages to the interviewer.
Dr. Que Zaiqing, is now working for Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland. He has got a permanent position as a researcher at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), studying (for nuclear power) corrosion and fracture of metal materials. During his report titled “Making Choices between academia and industry”, he told us about some of the difficulties encountered in interviews, such as working permit, language problems. Finally, he analyzed the job applications in the case of ABB/Hilti/Nestle/Oerikon/Swatch.
Dr. Wu Dalin, now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Basel in Switzerland, will join the School of Biomedical Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University in the near future as an associate professor and independent PI. Dr. Wu shared with us his personal experience of applying for the Hundred Talents Program and provided instructive details on the interviewing process with Sun Yat-sen University. In addition to hard skills (such as Publications), Dr. Wu showed us the importance of soft skills such as participating in research activities, oral reporting in the process of finding a job in academia.
In the second session, Mrs. Chen hosted the panel discussion section. The discussion were related to the following questions, which were half provided by the audiences:
- Who are the most valued job seekers for industrial employers?
- How to prepare for the HR interview?
- What are the biggest difficulties in master’s employment?
- How to discuss career planning and salary related issues with HR?
- How to use networking to find job opportunities?
- How to maintain contacts with the previous boss after graduation.
Finally, our mysterious guest, Dr. Qu Jun, the president of the association, summed up the comments for our discussion and also expressed heartfelt blessings for the future development of the association. President Qu recalled the highlights of the Chinese Association of Materials Science and Energy Technology in Switzerland (CAMSETS) over the past six years. As the team further grows, the influence of the association will get larger, while the members themselves will be blessed with a better platform to achieve many more highlights.